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Chabé and the GoodPlanet Foundation: the Group offsets its CO2 emissions to the tune of €50,000

9 September 2024
Chabé and the GoodPlanet Foundation: the Group offsets its CO2 emissions to the tune of €50,000

At Chabé, our ambition is to contribute to a sustainable future. With this in mind, in 2021 we have initiated a strategic partnership with the GoodPlanet Foundation, an organization recognized as being in the public interest. This partnership represents a key pillar of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy in the fight against climate change.

For the 2023 business year, we have once again offset our CO2 emissions in sustainable development programs via the GoodPlanet Foundation, to the tune of €50,000.


A concrete commitment to positive environmental impact

Since the beginning of our collaboration with the GoodPlanet Foundation, we have worked hand in hand to support projects with a significant and lasting environmental impact. In 2023, this commitment translated into a contribution of 2,087 tonnes of CO2 equivalent, as evidenced by our latest certificate of contribution to carbon neutrality.


This contribution demonstrates our desire to take concrete action for the planet, while supporting initiatives that directly improve the lives of local communities.


Concrete projects for a sustainable world

Thanks to our partnership with GoodPlanet, the Group has been able to invest €50,000 in initiatives that not only mitigate climate change, but also generate tangible benefits for local populations. Here are just a few examples of the projects we have supported:


  1. Recycling household waste in Togo, Madagascar and Cameroon

This project aims to improve household waste management through sorting and composting, thereby reducing its environmental impact. In addition, compost production helps to promote sustainable local agriculture while creating employment opportunities for disadvantaged populations.

  • 83,380 tonnes of waste processed
  • 7,570 tonnes of compost produced and marketed
  • 54,330 tonnes of CO2 equivalent avoided


  1. Distribution of solar cookers in Bolivia and Peru

The installation of solar cookers helps limit deforestation by offering a clean, sustainable energy alternative to local populations.

  • 11,640 solar cookers installed
  • 46,715 tonnes of CO2 equivalent avoided
  • 46,560 beneficiaries


  1. Development of biogas units in India

This project has enabled the construction of biodigesters, providing clean energy to rural families and reducing GHG emissions.

  • 3,000 biodigesters built
  • 14,000 beneficiaries
  • Over 100,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent avoided


Chabé and GoodPlanet: united for a sustainable transition

Our partnership with the GoodPlanet Foundation illustrates our commitment to a more sustainable future. By joining these projects, we play an active part in reducing carbon emissions while promoting the economic and social development of the regions concerned.

At Chabé, we are convinced that every gesture counts in the fight against climate change. That’s why we will continue our commitment to concrete, innovative solutions that have a positive impact on the environment and on the communities we serve.


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